Bringing Fresh Water to Villages in Chad!

We've raised enough for one well! Help us dig another!

We’ve collected enough for 5 wells!

Online giving will remain open through June

Thank you to all who have given, to all who participated in the walk, to all who volunteered behind the scenes!



The value of water is very much on the radar in our community here in Kansas – perhaps even more so for the people of Chad, Africa. Some statistics place Chad as the 7th most needy water region in the world. 
Through some timely connections (which we would consider as God-directed connections), we are joining the efforts of a couple (The Downings) who are doing Kingdom work through the means of drilling wells.
Our participation in this Kingdom work involves a Water Walk on June 9th following the worship service in Dexter Park. The Walk will be approximately 3.7 miles which is the average distance that people in their region of Chad must walk to acquire water. We are also seeking to raise money through donations to help with this Kingdom well-drilling work. It costs about $3000 to drill a well – we hope to raise enough funds for at least one well. 
There are multiple ways to get involved in the Water walk – from volunteering to serve on the day of the walk, to walking, to donating. Perhaps the easiest way to give financial support is through our website. There is also a water-well display in the church that has a container for change and bills and checks. 
Our worship service at Dexter park begins at 9 am; the walk will begin at the conclusion of the service. The route will take us around our community, with educational stops throughout the route. For those who do not want to walk the entire route, there will be rides provided back to Dexter Park as well as an alternate route for those who want to drive to the educational stations. Maps and information will be available the day of the walk. 
The Water Walk concludes with hamburgers and hot dogs provided by the church. The cookout will begin when the majority of walkers have returned to Dexter park. 
If you have any questions, please contact the church office (785-632-5653) ask for Jana Cott or Brad Mann. We anticipate a fun day – continue to pray for the Kingdom work we get to be a part of.